How to Stop Rats and Snakes?
Most of us don’t really think about our toilets as a safety threat – we just want them to be clean. However, the latest research shows that there are lots to be worried about.
LOS ANGELES, CA, October 30, 2017, /24-7PressRelease/ — There are 4 types of creatures that can climb up pipes and toilet: snakes, spiders, rats, and frogs. It can be inconvenient or dangerous and in the case of a bite, it can create real health issues.
Creatures in pipes contaminate the water and carry diseases – over 35 different diseases are spread by such creatures in the U.S. Children are specifically at risk – bacteria and germs spread by the toilet intruders present a much higher risk to them than to adults.
There are ways to protect your home and health – Totet Safety Valve is a new technology designed to protect pipes, toilets and hydraulic systems from unwanted visitors. Totet valve blocks the way for different types of creatures to enter pipes protecting you and your family.
Totet valve is eco-friendly and helps save water – 31% of household water consumption is utilized in toilets and 6,000 gallons of water are being wasted each month from just one leaking toilet. Totet helps save up to 50% of water wastage in toilets and stops water back-flow.
This should be especially important to households in states prone to droughts, like California, where it would help meet the Governor’s goal of saving 424 billion gallons of water this year.
These figures are also important to commercial building owners and hotels. Due to a high number of visitors in such buildings, the spread of diseases is much quicker – Totet can help keep toilets safe and eco-friendly. Totet valve was laboratory tested and is NSF and BBA certified and very easy to install.